Invitation to a Reading for Ian Ferrier

On Monday October 2nd (2023), from 7 to 8PM EST, you are invited you to a virtual ZOOM salon to honour the poetry of Ian Ferrier and his contributions to literary communities in Canada.

Ian will be attending the event from the Palliative Care ward of the Glen Hospital in Montreal.

If you’d like to speak or read at the event, please drop us a line at jasoncamlot [at] gmail [dot] com

Organized by Lillian Allen, Fortner Anderson, Jason Camlot, Sarah Beth
Goncarova, Geneviève Letarte, Deanna Radford

P.S. For those of you who cannot attend the event, we invite you to submit
your thoughts and love to Ian and family with a note, audio recording,
or video.
Please send your contributions to: Sending Ian love/Témoinages d’amour pour Ian & we’ll share them with Ian: [email protected]

With accessibility and ease of viewing in mind, please follow these technical specifications:

– Be mindful of file size and avoid sending very large files.
– Image files should be formats such as JPG or PNG (no TIFFs please).
– For large video and audio files (exceeding 25 MB), please upload
these to your personal YouTube account or other storage accounts and
share the link.

Please *do not* send files that need to be extracted from zip
folders or via services such as WeTransfer.

Link with Zoom information:

#online#The Words and Music Show