September 30 | 1:00 pm
Mile End Historic and Literary Tour | Visite historique et littéraire du Mile End
“Mile End is a neighborhood that has long inspired artists and writers. Discover with us a new edition of this popular visit, given as part of the Journées de la culture. The walk will be followed by a meeting at the library with three authors who have been inspired by Mile End, Pierre Anctil, Myriam Beaudoin and Saleema Nawaz Webster.”
Hosted by Hosted by Mémoire du Mile End / Mile End Memories, this activity is free but requires prior registration with the Mordecai-Richler Library, by calling 514-872-2141 or by going to the counter.
Bibliothèque Mordecai-Richler, 5434 Av du Parc
More info here:
La visite est également offerte en français. Suivez ce lien pour l’événement: