December 18 | 8:00 pm
Accent Open Mic Vol. 22 – Special Event
Accent Series is proud to present the first annual ‘Dead Poets Society.’ Reuniting a bevy of Accent alumni, each poet will read selections from their favourite dead poet. More info here & below.
Alex Manley (A.M. Klein)
April Ford (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
Willow Little (Gwendolyn MacEwen)
Kelly Norah Drukker (Seamus Heaney)
George Slobodzian (Patrick Lane)
Greg Santos (Mark Strand)
Brandon Pitts (Nik Beat)
Rachel McCrum (Wislawa Syzymborska)
Carolyne Van Der Meer ( W.B. Yeats)
Razielle Aigen (Mina Loy)
Joshua Levy (Leonard Cohen)
La Marche à côté, 5043 St-Denis
Attention to Open Mic readers! Because this is a special event, the open mic will take place at the end of the night and by restricted to 3 minutes. Only poems by dead poets are admissible.